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Never Say “I Wish”


As we grow up by our age every year there are certain resolutions we make often as to move lucidly in our lives. As we all know life is all about moving ahead. It is quite obvious and good to make these resolutions if we really want to extend our reach in assimilating the realm of life. This kind of approach is successful only for those who are always keen to bring execution to their resolutions with their utmost efforts. But also we face instances; we got into a matter where we often use words ‘I wish’. These two words are heard so often which insists us in realizing that although we believe in executing our resolution yet we differ somewhere because if we are 100 per cent then we won’t be using these words.

These two words have got a deep insight sometimes because through these words we try to tell people that what we think for a particular thing. It also tries to convey a futuristic approach of ours where things are considered in a great fashion. It means that the things which are desired to get happen are always so dominant that usually consideration of favourable conditions is always assumed. Our whole wish goes around some fairytales which is just likewise dreams where every event is in hands. We are the masters of all the happenings held in our dreams.

Now let’s take another aspect of these two words. Literally understanding these two words tell us two things. First, we lost an opportunity to perform our task as per needed manner. Secondly, we become callous due to which either that work is ignored or postponed for the future. In both cases, work is not being performed and we face a situation in which things are not in line with our resolutions. After losing that moment of performing that task we regret and usually try to hide or give excuses that we won’t get acquisitions or being cursed for not making that attempt. This kind of tendency is not fruitful because one day a question could arise in our minds that why I ignored that moment to perform?

To wish or desire is not a wrong state of mind but only letting ourselves dreaming about steaming things would bring us belittling, disparage in coming future. As it is well known fact that once the dream gets over we realize that nothing has been in our hands in respect of letting ourselves free from that moment of desperation. This kind of problem is associated with us personally as well as professionally. The way we tackle or uphold our relations is quite necessary for both lives (personally & professionally). Because of our late back and callous attitude we leave task for future as we feel that things won’t get affected no matter how much time we take. In this sequence one line we also heard “Had I been there I would have done that”.  

It is quite easy to make presumptions but fulfilling the needed course of action is the need of that hour where a relevant attempt has to be undertaken. To wish is easy but performing in the needed hour needs loads of efforts and dedication. This performing spirit is going to reward us in the long run because “Making an excuse at the end of the game does not acquit us the blunder that we have committed. Likewise a culprit who gets punishment for his nasty deeds or crime because of our deliberate late back attitude we often faces problems which let us go into the world of disappointment and frustrations.

काल करे सो आज करआज करे सो अब। पल में प्रलय होएगीबहुरि करेगो कब।।”- Sant Kabir Ji

Taking enlightenment from the above decent and practical line we can leave regrets at bay no matter us as talked about our personal or professional life. If we really want to do something for someone to do it now, leaving for tomorrow is not a wise decision because" tomorrow never comes”. Sometimes losing that moment cost us dearly in term of losing work or even losing relations because it is well defined and understood that once the time gets away from our hands then nobody can help us out to get rid of that pathetic feeling which encroaches us from everywhere.

If we give due importance to time and start making efforts then there is every possibility to reach our goals in the same and effective way we desire. It is not relevant and pragmatic to only wish and do not pursue it. We become more effective and efficient if we understand the thumb rule that to reach our destination we need to make every single attempt which leads us to the goals of our lives.


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Written by:

Vikram Singh Rawat

A simple person who is always ready to learn from his environment and keeps himself ready to assist others in doing so.


  1. "I wish" I can write such blogs :)
    Making a resolution is too easy but to follow it consistently is too difficult that's where will power or strong determination needed.

  2. काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब। पल में प्रलय होएगी, बहुरि करेगो कब।।


  3. काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब। पल में प्रलय होएगी, बहुरि करेगो कब।।


  4. So true, we often say,, kaash mein voh krleta... But at that point of time, we don't realise that importance.
    I do feel that it is all because of attitude of procrastination.
    It was great reading the article.

  5. Nice:Love is ultimate success of journey of life.

  6. Nice:Love is ultimate success of journey of life.

  7. The most observed thought in everybody's life but ignored simultaneously by us.. The way it is written is the one I expected. Great going Vikram, continue to enlighten us with such real (not reel) life measures👍👍👍

  8. Pleasing article sir✌I wish,Kaash,Someday ,sometime it's all postponing your wishes.Time is today to do what you want.Future guarantees nothing,its better to fulfill your wishes than to regret later.Stop thinking,do it...

  9. 👌👌👌👌💐💐👌👌👌👌

  10. 👌👌👌👌💐💐👌👌👌👌


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