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Significance Of “S”


In all social circles around the globe discussion over life is the hottest favourite topic which always has its never-ending significance. Every individual has got his set of rules that how his life should be? And what he wants from his life? Every life has got its own flavour in which a person may feel the scorching heat or relaxing satisfaction in terms of a letter S .The letter “S” has a lot of significance in everybody’s life. On and off we encounter so many circumstances where we always find ourselves in middle of two words starting with letter ‘S’ i.e. Struggle and Support.

The struggle may be defined as to try hard to do something when it is difficult. Whereas Support is to extend help, someone, by showing agreement with him/her/it in regard to practical and needed help. Sometimes it’s so ambiguous to realize and understand where our life is going to take us. At times it seems to belong ride with a lot of exciting moments and there are also some instances the excitements changes into complaints and unpleasant experiences.

We all have come across those moments where it felt like encountering that zone in which we felt difficult to face as per our abilities. These difficulties of time are always considered as life struggles due to which many retreats or succumb. Why this word struggle is so petrifying? Usually, it is considered that there are two types of persons. First, who has developed a tendency to stay in a comfort zone and are always ready to enjoy every amenity without many hardships? This approach has made them so comfort-loving that they are reluctant to even think for any work, hard work is a thing of another world.

They feel that it’s their birthright to receive attention all the way from people who are directly or indirectly are part of his life. Here they carry a concept of feeling like emperors of their stupidity which they understand it as their prudence. This preoccupied notion which always so dominant in their thinking and behaviour make them lethargic and incompetent that they face the taunts of individuals whom they come across. These kinds of person don’t want to even think about their indecent and unrealistic approach because they feel it can ruin their fantasies to live the life of an emperor.  

On contrary, another side of the story says there are also such kinds of persons who afraid of struggles no matter to which extent it is going to be hard to convert their efforts into achievements. They really want to make a mark in the long run where they feel satisfied that they have achieved their destination by struggling. These kinds of persons are willingly accepted, that without struggle they can’t achieve those heights for which they have dreamt of. It is realized that struggle makes us comfortable and confident in applying and giving our best to achieve pinnacle. But at times we also face such instances in our lives where it is felt like a deficiency in having support by dint of which we can get there for which we have often dreamt of.

The major difference between the two kinds of persons is that they are totally in opposition to each other in regard to their thinking, understanding and above all the kind of approach they follow in their lives. One is callous whereas another one seeks a path where he is eager to get to his alluring destinations. The meaning of support for the two is different as one looks support as their birthright whereas another one seeks it as help which encourages him to continue his journey to succeed in life. As we know that a man can dream on his own but can’t fulfil it all alone as it needs so many that contribute or participate directly or indirectly in his path of success.

Self-made man concept is quite unrealistic as everybody needs support by his side because everyone has got his own limitations and needs support to continue his journey in the path of achievement. With support, the struggle of a person really becomes a joyous affair where he finds himself in a safer zone rather than be aloof in a vast war field. There are numerous practical examples where miracles happened because of extended support even for those who lost spirit to live their lives.  So one thing we should keep in our minds that we should never become ignorant for those who have extended their support in our struggle. If we could understand the precious presence of these supporters then we could avoid an unpleasant feeling of cursing and repent for the rest of our lives.




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Written by:

Vikram Singh Rawat

A simple person who is always ready to learn from his environment and keeps himself ready to assist others in doing so.


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