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Do It Yourself


Change or the transformation from one form to another is seen as a prerequisite to developing every single moment in life. Several notions are taken care of regarding development as per requirement because if don’t have the ease to change towards the changing time then we become obsolete. If things have to be changed then they should be as a whole.

So if we want to adapt as per change then why we still not have the urge to change as a whole to get all the adjustments that enable us to remain contemporary. One of the weird practices is to wait or waiting. Wait for everything. This notion is in great practice and no stop is seen in coming days to divert ourselves from the habit of “wait”.

Sometimes due to this word waiting we find ourselves in a great dilemma where we become subject of either pity or laugh. Why so? The answer to this why so is that we become slaves of others in turning the odds away from our lives. Many of us want someone to come and indulge him/her in the process of our development.

This habit of waiting for somebody for every need had deep-rooted into our thought process. Due to enmity towards our capability, we always wait so long due to which our journey of life has become standstill in terms of core development that is quite needed and should be achieved in due time.

To take inspiration or guidance is different from not making any effort to bring relevant betterment to ourselves to confirm our sustainability in a long run. We have been either ignorant or audacious to understand the basic need to change our perspective to drag ourselves from the morass of reluctance, ignorance, lethargy, dependency, etc. which has always hurdle the path of betterment in our lives.

When we talk about the change in overall context than the thing which has to be remembered and brought under the practice that it won’t be easy for anyone to bring the much-needed change to our perspective in a flick of a second. If we want to have a modern approach to lead our life then first of all true determination has to be included in our thought and practice. These things could be seen and judged as boring and irrelevant but has a great impact on our lives.

Change does not come overnight but imbibing small change can make us ready to embrace the needed change which was much needed and found to be worthless by many.

Since our childhood, we have felt shame in performing small work (as per our understanding) due to which we are completely unaware of our capabilities to go beyond the horizon. Our minds didn’t get that anticipation on behalf of which it would reach that extent of becoming capable to understand the basis of all times that we need to step out of our comfort zone and make a huge deliberate attempt to get what is needed in life.

Things like shame and reluctance to change have always been so detrimental for our development process as there is a huge difference between thinking and implementing. It is quite ok to understand that due to our pampered childhood we have been indulged in acquiring those habits which are not conducive from any point of view. It has to be an individual sensibility not to take things for granted and never misuse the pleasant ambience he has been bestowed with.

The basic concept of Do It Yourself can be very helpful in mitigating our pitiable condition in which we have been living for a while. The pitiable word is used regarding our reluctance and misunderstanding about changing the void perspective which has never provided us with that platform where things are synchronized as per the changing needs. The positive change in perspective can only be achieved by having vibrancy in our thinking and looking into things in a much deeper sense.

It is stated and understood that there is no one coming for us as everybody is quiet indulging in his/her deeds as they have also certain goals and targets of their own. Apart from it, things are not so helpful because more or less self-centred and selfish concerns have overridden the right kind of participation and anticipation from others. It is of no use cursing and abusing others for not entertaining us.

These days another kind of development is seen in terms of the difference between what people say and what they do. People have lost that temperament to abide by their words as gone are the days where people use to be men of their words. Today habit of keeping promises and spoken words that are meant to be broken are under sheer practice so if we want to make our worth then our usual tendency to look for others needs to be changed with the much-needed and relevant concept of “Do It Yourself”.

By practising the above concept we could be able to understand the real reach of an individual to attain a high level of prudence and prowesses which not only make us raise the capabilities but with our sincerity and dedication we can achieve a high level of distinction in life.


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Written by:

Vikram Singh Rawat 

A simple person who is always ready to learn from his environment and keeps himself ready to assist others in doing so.


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