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An Inspiring Smile of Innocence


As discussed many times that to live life to the fullest it always needs an Inspiration. Inspiration is like a spur which holds us to continue our journey with great zeal and sanctity in terms of fulfilling our duties and responsibilities. This sense of boldness towards our role for the continuation of not only our lives but is meant for all the people who are dependent on us directly or indirectly. If not wrong where the maximum percentage of people have transformed into self-obsessed and self-centric desires, at times we tend to lose the flow of our dedication towards our accountabilities. In these hard times a smile can be so inspiring that not only reduces our anxiety but in totality boost our morale to continue.

From time immemorial it has been said and realized that the Almighty can be seen in the innocence of the creatures’ right around us. One of the fine memorized moments of realization is in the smile of our young cute angels' none other than our girl kids. They prove to be so inspiring at times that we forget all our anxieties and favour our dedication to continuing to grow in our life. The positivity prevails at our homes and in us when she is around and leaves our pain and grudges aside. Girls are so subtle in nature that we feel so positive, no matter what the case is all about? At times the innocence in their smiles makes us feel so proud and relaxed that we forget our miseries by putting them at bay.

To have a baby in our lives is one of the biggest joys of life, which cannot be explained in words; it can only be felt or realized. A healthy and happy baby is the desire of any parent. If it is a baby girl, then the level of fun and happiness of having a little angel cannot be matched with anything else. However, there are certain things only lucky parents of little fairies get to do. The feeling could vary from person to persons but the joyous surge which is felt by everyone is unmatched and sometimes it is compared with the self-actualization state of mind after that nothing is desired for the rest of the life.

There are several characteristics which are inherited by girls like taking care of her parents, her children, her husband, her work and what not! She completes her family and is the caretaker. A girl child is a backbone for her family and provides all kinds of support, be it moral, emotional or financial. She supports all her loved ones wholehearted and desires only love in lieu of her immense dedication.

Several study in recent times have shown dramatically shift in desires of parents in term of having a baby in their lives. The shift could be considered as exponential because there is an increase in the no. of parents who want to have a girl child over boy one. It should not be misunderstood that here the things are in opposition of boys but the current trend is pointing out some unexpected results. The study found that the prime reason parents wanted daughters was because they felt they would “bond and understand” them better. 

The girls create an aura all around us by their cute and notorious behaviour that is full of pleasant and unforgettable moments which makes us nostalgic throughout our lives. Talking on another side of coin we still listen about many cases where girls are alienated from mainstream whether in household discussion or decision making. This kind of approach shows how literate we are in terms of love, affection and understanding. Sorry to say but this sort of stigma still prevails in our society because there is still evil practice going around. It is a big blot on our society that still we faces such events where disparity still prevails and make us alienated when we talk in larger context.

Today, we live in a globalised society and it’s the onus of everyone in any society to present everyone’s image in such a way that people should admire our approach instead of cursing for things that are totally irrelevant to our great culture from time immemorial. It will be of great shame realizing the fact that throughout the nation we worship and offer prayers to goddesses to bless our wishes but still practice some lewd activities by which any human being with some prudence can be shameful.

Education saves and improves the lives of everyone and helpful in removing the lewd mentality against girls and women, ultimately leading to more equitable development, stronger families, better services, better child health.  Preference for educating girls will definitely bring a wide-ranging impact on society and human development. Long-term benefits include enhanced and better prospects in terms of economic development.

What is realized that no enjoyment could be considered complete unless every person within our homes or societies is involved? If we dream to be a superpower that ignoring the wonderful creation of God cannot be cursed through our behaviours. So if we really want to develop and enjoy exponentially then “We need to give preference to Innocence over Ignorance”.

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Written by:

Vikram Singh Rawat

A simple person who is always ready to learn from his environment and keeps himself ready to assist others in doing so.


  1. I really like the content ... Your dedication towards the girls is such a brilliant idea ..
    Love and more power to u ♥️
    Keep posting more like this

  2. Do boys aren't innocent??

  3. So true. Keep it up..Hope society will get the real picture!🔥🔥

  4. You are making a difference☺️🌹

  5. Thanks everyone for the comments.Keep supporting my work🙏


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