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Nice People And Nice Time


Every one of us has always concentrated on getting a wonderful life in terms of happiness, joy, prolonged excitement etc. which not only gives us moments to rejoice but moreover make us feel the value of our life. In every facet, life is being a roller coaster where we sit around and experience the real complexities and try to live those moments in which we rise as a different personality as we have never been before. These complexities make our understanding ambiguous and equivocal resulting either in withholding it or succumb due to its extreme nature to churn us.

There is a number of moments where we feel the heat of such events which test us to the limit which are sometimes so petrifying that it resembles like hell in a cell. Sometimes we fall as a prey to these inevitable events and lose our control in understanding the real purpose of this churn out the activity. In the process of churning out, we feel where we have gone wrong in understanding the gist of life events which are directly or indirectly involved in teasing us all around?

The answer to the above question lies in a basic thing “did we give enough attention?” Attention to whom? Well, attention to a very basic thing ‘people’ and ‘time’. Here the main issue which could clear the air is in the fact that at times we were either ignorant or overconfident in respecting all the resources we have got. Misleading notions in life can cost us so badly if we do not pay attention to respecting the resources that should actually be considered as a  blessing. It would not be wrong to say and understand that most of us are actually engaged in asking a question every now and then “ when will my best time come where I will find myself in a comfort zone and enjoy the luxuries of life?

Sooner or later every individual gets what he wants in his life, means to have the required resources (people and time). Time is the most significant resource, if not used practically and efficiently then things go in vain. We can’t be able to get such heights in our lives which make us feel satisfied in terms of accomplishments or achievements. We should not take things for granted rather we should intend to respect them and try to get optimum use of the resources which we have got in our lives. The main reason due to which we feel left behind because we have not used our time in developing ourselves with the help of those people who have always extended their support towards us.

When you got positive vibes due to nice persons around, you get benefitted and also good for the ones around you. Surrounding you with people who have an optimistic outlook means living a life filled with happy memories. Positive people not only change your perspective but also have the power to improve your well-being and overall quality in life.

Whereas if we respect our time it helps us to maintain precision in organizing and structuring our daily activities which help us make more control on our life goals. Time plays a very significant role in our lives. If we better understand the value of time, then it can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time also make us realize that once we give value to time then it is pretty much able to prevent many mistakes because if the thing is done on time then the impact of our work intensifies to great heights and make us tough in facing life unknown events.

It has been proved universally that if we really want to bring a positive change in our lives then our participation should be the most rather than being lethargic and ignorant. The people who know and practice to admire and respect the resources as an asset never complain about the hardship of life with which they face. It is the onus of every one of us to understand this small but important thing to acknowledge that nice people and nice time never stay for long and once we lose them then there is no surety that they would come again.  

So the moral of the story conveys a simple but the quite realistic and pragmatic thing that every time is the best one if we use it in developing ourselves and respect those people who always abide by our sides. And also it is a fact that our today’s deeds will confirm that what will we reap in our future? Once we get engaged ourselves in the process of development then that day would not be away when we will rise like an invincible personality who carries the gut feeling to face every challenge of life with great zeal and confidence.





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Written by:

Vikram Singh Rawat

A simple person who is always ready to learn from his environment and keeps himself ready to assist others in doing so.


  1. Superb �� �� ��

  2. Keep writting ❤

  3. Keep writting ❤

  4. Value the time, value the people. ❣️ Great words...

  5. Thank you all for your appreciation🙏

  6. ������

  7. Commendably written Sir👌Keep writing and bring light to ways of living life if followed can bring drastic change in ourselves with peace we have been looking for...


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