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Conceptualizing Learning✍️




Success is that state which is always desired by each of us. The word is so strong in its relevance that we can’t argue on the notion which is always reflected in our anxiousness, sorrow, happiness and hatred. These kinds of feelings depending on the rate of one’s achievements and destinations one has always dreamt of. In practical term, success is always seen as morale building because as you grow by climbing the success ladder, it usually boosts morale and motivates us to move ahead.


In the real world, success is always considered a requirement for a happy life. It is said and believed that if we want to have a happy life, our rate of success counts a lot. Now the question arises here that how we can enjoy life to the fullest? Here we should not get confused considering money as a determinant of success. Money could be one of the parameters but can’t act as a whole. Acquiring wealth is only a small share of the whole result we get after pursuing our desired goals and targets in the right direction.


One of the reasons that confuse us how we have to pursue? Apart from the huge hue and cry for achieving success we need to concentrate on much needed and requisite which is conducive to create an environment for us that always nurture our path of success. In totally to lead a successful life, we need to do, what is required to be done? The questions will always be there in life but in simple words, the answer is in the notion “Learn what is best and then learn from the best”. Before heading towards any conclusion, the first thing we need to understand what is best for us? This can be clarified through analyzing our needs along with our traits, flaws and capabilities.


It becomes necessary to know about the best things which make us comfortable in analyzing and judging the requisites. In many cases our milieus compel us to imitate others which is never a fruitful decision in the long run. Knowing our capabilities in the right sense always cautions us to pursue the best of the options. As every one of us might be aware of the fact that hasty approaches might not work for us because “Hurry makes bad curry.”  


To know about the best way to make an accomplishment, we need to take wise steps while deciding our goals, targets for our lives. Every single step counts a lot in deciding the direction of our life which adhere great sense of achievement in itself. Once we have figure out the best for us then another daunting task is to learn from the best. Daunting? It is because to learn from the best is not going to be an easy task in any manner. If we talk about reaching out for the best then we have to in that state of understanding to get the real sense of learning. 

As discussed and mentioned by various scholars and laureates of their respective fields that learning is an art. To learn from the best needs a sheer level of curiosity along with patience because to learn from the experience of others expect consistency while approaching. Learning from others' experience is called Vicarious Learning. The concept of vicarious learning is not new because it has been undertaken from time immemorial by the forefathers as this is the best way of learning. Vicarious learning plays a pivotal role in saving our precious time which is no doubt the most important resource we have got.


Learning from the best means a lot in resolute the proper learning which not only nurture us but it always makes the participants within our environment more precise and informative directly or indirectly. The prudence of one’s understanding can be seen in his precision while acquiring a sheer level of learning the best from the best. The Diaspora lies intensely within ourselves that how we approach because there are so much Hodgepodge information and knowledge around us which can confuse us multiple times. It is never easy to find the best out of the things available to us. 


Learning from the best needs to have a self-awareness capability because it is not like spoon-feeding technique, most of us take the opportunity in the wrong manner and become dependent on others. If we want to achieve par excellence then our learning counts a lot that how we have assimilated the knowledge to get par excellence in the relevant field. Once Swami Vivekananda was asked about his views on learning and his answer was so subtle and deep in meaning.


According to him,” All the wealth of the world cannot help one person if the people are not taught to help themselves. Our work should be mainly educational, both moral and intellectual.” These words not only reflect the intense understanding of the subject but also encourages us how we can bring a huge difference in our views and understanding. 

‘Help yourself’ is needed to get the best of our requirements and get involved ourselves in the process of learning which is a continuous process till the last moment of our lives. If we want to acquire the sheer level of learning and to be judged as successful people then we need to change the way we see things. Our viewpoint towards the learning needs to be more intense and the projection of our behaviour should be subtle in acquiring the knowledge and learning from the best.

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A simple person who is always ready to learn from his environment and keeps himself ready to assist others in doing so.


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